The other day someone said to me, "I'm just focused on keeping my head above water." We've all been there: the work is piled up, the stress accumulates, the debts mount up and suddenly we slip into survival mode.
"I'm just keeping my head above water." The statement struck me.
As someone who's spent a lot of time in the pool lately, I can tell you unequivocally that if you are keeping your head above water, you are not swimming.
Swimming is getting your face wet; it's letting the water hold your weight; it's trusting your body and your learning and Life or God or -- if you will -- fate. It's choosing to propel yourself forward. It's momentum. It's the opposite of standing still. Whether you are choosing to go with the current or go against it, you are taking an active part in changing your situation.
It's a choice every day - every hour - every minute: Will I swim -- focusing my energies on where I want to go -- or will I tread water and try to survive? Fair enough, sometimes I may need to check the depth of the water I'm in or get some instruction or special equipment. But in the end, it's really just a straightforward choice backed up by action. So what will it be, keeping your "head above water" or swimming?
Come on in, the water's fine!
Hello dearest,
Inspiring words. Thank you.
I'm now officially following your blog so look forward to the next post.
Just had a lovely weekend with my godson and his family.
Speak on Wednesday,
x Alex
Hello dearest,
Inspiring words. Thank you.
I'm now officially following your blog so look forward to the next post.
Just had a lovely weekend with my godson and his family.
Speak on Wednesday,
x Alex
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